Biographical overview :

The painter   Hans Peter Feddersen (1848 - 1941)

Essay about the oeuvre of the painter Hans Peter Feddersen (in german) by Bärbel Manitz

Comments on the person and the oeuvre (in german) by Jens Christian Jensen

Biographical data (in german) assembled by Hans-Jürgen Stubbe

Some selected paintings   --   NEW: as e-book (it is best to down-load the file and view it with Adobe Reader in full-screen mode)

Work catalogue    --    NEW: e-books    --    NEW: Comments on the drawings

Further options

This collection of information about the painter Hans Peter Feddersen has been established in collaboration with Ethe Stubbe, Bärbel Manitz und Berend Harke Gloyer. The purpose of the collection is to make this information publicly available. This work catalogue is based on the list of paintings that appeared 1964 in the book "Der Maler Hans Peter Feddersen" by Ethe und Hans-Jürgen Stubbe. This information is complemented here with many Fotos from various sources. The work catalogue has been extended with paintings that have become known over the last years.

I would be grateful for any indication about the works of the painter, including photos. Please send an email to me or to Bärbel Manitz ( - Postadresse: Hansastrsse 20, 24118 Kiel). I am one of the great-grandsons of the painter.

Gregor v.Bochmann <>

The first version of this web site was established in 2009; last update: June 2018