< Some paintings worth mentioning

B0169 : A watercolor presented by the museum of Riga ( click here )

A Water Colored World -- This artistic presentation was written in 2011 by Margaret Mair in her Blog :

It's a watercolor painting of a water-soaked world. Two men have stopped to talk. There is a wagon ahead of them, just seen. The horses stand patiently around them, waiting. The sky is full of clouds. The falling rain creates a sheen on the horses' coats, the men's clothes and the road they are standing on. The figures of horses, men and wagon puddle into and are reflected delicately on the water-covered roadway. The ditch beside the road is full of water, and the rest of the landscape fades away into the distance, into the rain.

It is almost as if we are looking at them through a rain-covered window. There's a translucence to the whole painting, a delicacy, a fragility. Men and horses are gathered into a group, sketched in with just enough detail to bring them to life for us. We look at them and wonder - what was so important, that these men stopped to talk in these kinds of conditions?

The artist is Gregor von Bochmann. Though he spent most of his life in Germany, he was born in Estonia and as a child he spent time traveling through the countryside there with his German father. What he saw must have touched him - one of the common themes of his work was scenes such as this of life in Estonia. It was a way of life as fragile as that watercolor painting and one that was changing during his lifetime, as the Russians tried to re-create Estonia in their own image.

Perhaps he was capturing a moment he saw and wanted to share, perhaps recording a memory. Certainly he has given us a beautiful glimpse into a small water colored world.

B0169 - Foto: F1-1999
Ein Regentag
Aquarell, Gouache, 50 x 64,5
Besitz: Museum for Foreign Art, Riga, Latvia
Dies Bild war in einer Web-Seite des Musuems von 2015 abgebildet. Eine Kopie ist HIER.


B0416: A famous painting

This is an early painting that made the painter famous. It was shown at the Paris World's Fair (1878). The painter made two pen drawings for the catalog (see below).

In 1875 it was shown in an exhibition in Brussels, as a surviving letter from the painter (dated July 5, 1875) attests (see page 1, page 2, cover of the autograph collection).

In the text "Jugendzeit" (written by the daughter Helene) it is mentioned that the picture was sold to England.

A copy of the painting, using the technique of wood engraving, was published in 1888 in the magazine "Über Land und Meer - Deutsche Illustrierte Zeitung".

Here is a photo of the church taken in 1999 .

B0416 - Foto: F1-2011
Sonntagmorgen vor einer Kirche in Estland
Öl auf Leinwand, 85 x 147 , 1874
Besitz: Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg
B0790 - Foto: F117
Vor der Kirche
B0791 - Foto: F117
Vor der Kirche (Ausschnitt)


B5441: A drawing from 1870 and a photo from 1907

A photo of this house7 in Zons was included in the article Am Niederrhein within the magazine Die Rheinlande in the June 1907 issue.

B5441 - Foto: F1-2017
Häuser in Zons
bez. Zons 1870


B0449: A painting mentioned in the magazine of the Tallinn Museum ( click here )

A picture of the painting B0449 was in the magazine of the Estonian Art Museum (KUMU) in September 2005 with a review by Tiina Abel (in Estonian).

B0449 - Foto: F115(zn)-2013
Estnische Bauern mit Fuhrwerken bei der Arbeit auf dem Feld
Aquarell, 74 x 100
Besitz: Kumu Kunstimuuseum, Tallinn, Estonia
Link zum Bild


B0812: A painting from the Museum of Aachen - now in Kiev

The picture B0812 (Homestead in Estonia), that priot to the second world war belonged to the Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum in Aachen, is now located (according to a report on November 13, 2008 in the newspaper "Examiner" (from Toronto, Canada - does not exist anymore) in a museum in Kiev (Ukraine).

Here is the "shadow gallery" (List of lost pictures). And here the Entry for this Bochmann picture . (Last revision: 2012 10 25)

B0812 - Foto: F2(Museum Aachen)
Gehöft in Estland
Öl auf Holz, 50 x 76 , 1900
Besitz: Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum, Aachen
Verbleib: Depot Meißen, verschollen. Dies Bild ist wohl in den Kriegsfolgen in die Ukraine gelangt (hier klicken)



B0894 : This painting was presented in 2012 on a bavarian TV show ( click here )

B0894 - Foto: F1-2006
Bauer mit Pferdewagen, Meer, Schiff und Menschen im Hintergrund
Öl auf Leinwand, 26 x 40

B1225 : This painting was discussed on January 23, 2019 on the TV show of ZDF : Bares für Rares

B1225 - Foto:
Großes weißes Pferd
Öl auf Leinwand, 111 x 94,5

B0318 : This painting was included in a selection of objects representing the activity of reading - see the blog LALI (in Belgium) - copy

B0318 - Foto: F1-1999
Lesende Frau **
Öl, Skizze, 23 x 16

B1106: This drawing is shown on the home page of a General Practitioner with the words: In general, things at our premises cannot be quite as cozy and contemplative as shown on the preceding drawing from old, possibly somehow more contemplative times ... ( copy)

B1106 - Foto: F2-2011
Im Gespräch **
Kohlezeichnung, 37 x 49