Personal information about the painter Gregor von Bochmann

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Ancestors - here is an overview of the ancetors of the painter since 1686

The painter's life

Gregor von Bochmann was born in the manor Nehatu June 1st, 1850 (a new building with apartments was constructed in 1960, see photo). His father was forest revisor for the russian government. In 1856 he received the manor Taebla (east of Hapsalu - see old photo) as gift for his merits as officer in the Crimea war. This is where Gregor spent his childhood and adolescence. He went to school at Haapsalu Kreiskool (see photo) until, at the age of 9, he moved to the Governorate Gymnasium in Tallinn (today's Gustav Adolf Gymnasium), where his art teacher, Theodor Albert Sprengel (see Documentation), noticed his talent. Sprengel was instrumental in providing him a scholarship to study at the Academy of Arts in Düsseldorf, where he moved in 1868.

Adolescence - text written by the daughter of the painter, Helene von Bochmann.

His life and family

Old photos from Estonia and the Dutch coast (from around 1900) - see Some old documents

Estonia - today