Adriaen van Ostade - oeuvre complet

The painter Gregor von Bochmann had an old book with original etchings entitled (in Dutch and French) "Complete works of Adriaen van Ostade, famous painter,
invented and engraved by himself". Here is a copy of this book.

I was curious to see whether many of these etchings correspond to oil paintings. Therefore I looked on the web to find copies of these etchings and corresponding paintings. The result is shown here: A copy of the book with added annotations about titles, approximate year of creation and sometimes owners (copied from the web pages I found) and the size of the etchings (size of the plate), which I measured myself. Conclusion: very few etchings have corresponding oil paintings. The words "Complete works ..." in the title of the book probably mean "all the etchings", although the web pages also include some etchings that are not in this book. The book is probably printed after 1682, since one of the etchings is dated "circa 1682".

I extracted information from the following web sites:

Other interesting web sites:

Gregor v. Bochmann - ( - October 2020